Food for the Soul

Beta Carotene, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, Cobalamin, Niacinamide, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Folic Acid, Inositol, Choline, Para Amino Benzoic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Bioflavonoids-Hesperidin-Rutin, Quercetin. You may not know what they are, what they do, or you may not know how to pronounce them. But your body knows what they are for and uses them from the food you eat. They are all different vitamins that keep you healthy!

The same thing with your soul. You have to keep your soul healthy just like your body. One way to do that is by increasing your faith. How do I do that Thomas? Well. by reading the B.I.B.L.E. you will get to better know God. As you build your relationship with the Lord, your faith will increase. Another thing that will help you is getting rid of the garbage or trash you don't need. You know the saying, "garbage in, garbage out." Whether it is information, food, drinks, books, magazines, entertainment, whatever it is, try to keep the nonsense out.

You may not understand all the verses, you may not even like some of them, but the fact is there is so much truth, wisdom, and advice hidden in it that it is absolutely worth reading with an open heart. No wonder the the Holy Bible is the best selling book of all time (according to IPL) "No one really knows how many copies of the Bible have been printed, sold, or distributed. The Bible Society's attempt to calculate the number printed between 1816 and 1975 produced the figure of 2,458,000,000. A more recent survey, for the years up to 1992, put it closer to 6,000,000,000 in more than 2,000 languages and dialects. Whatever the precise figure, the Bible is by far the bestselling book of all time." Best selling books

Picture from

So grab your Bible today and start reading it! Here are some ways to get a Bible, if you do not have one. You can buy one or you can get a free Bible at any local church. They would be happy to give you one. Another way to get a Bible is downloading free software like E Sword,Bible Pro, and The Sword Project. You can also use online Bibles like Bible Gate Way, Crosswalk, and Search God's Word. You can also request a Bible from Free if you live in the USA, and its limited to one person and one per address. If you live in Africa or the Philippines you can get the New Testament from limited one Bible per person.

God Bless and take care!


Anonymous said...

Excellent article!
You have helped me to realize that I should feed my soul with the right teachings such as the Bible. I will read it more often to get more wisdom, understanding and closer to the truth.

ThomasCSlater said...

Not a problem Todd, if there is anything from the Bible that you would like to talk about just email or Skype me! I would be happy to discuss it with you.

Anyway enjoy your journey through the Bible and God bless!

Anonymous said...

Thomas, this is a terrific reminder that our souls need to be nourished with the word of God and our faith needs to be protected from being buried in the dirt we can take in from entertainment.

ThomasCSlater said...

Yes indeed Diane, the entertainment world has much dirt. That is why we must keep a close relationship with God to keep our faith and soul strong so that we may be ready for anything.

Thank you for stopping by and God bless!

Robin said...

So glad to have found your blog! I wear my heart on my sleeve as well, and hope you can come by my "blessings and struggles of single moms" blog and read about God's amazing work in my life.
Yes, the Bible is our nurishment. Just like our physical boddies need water, so does our spiritual boddies need the spiritual food of The Word of God. If anyone struggles with reading (which we all do at times), we need to ask The Lord to give us Spiritual eyes to see, and spiritual ears to hear the Truth that is revealed to all beleivers. I also would recomend The Messege// Remix Bible by Eugene Peterson. God Bless

ThomasCSlater said...

Robin I am glad you stopped by, I am always happy to make new friends! :)
I will have to check that Audio Bible out by Eugene Peterson when I get the chance. Thanks for the recommendation.

God bless you too Robin!