"The Purpose Driven Life" Review

“The Purpose Driven Life”, is a book by Rick Warren, who is the founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, His church is one of the largest and well known churches in the United States. This book, “The Purpose Driven Life” has sold over 15 million copies worldwide!

Rick Warren has put together a 40 chapter book that in my opinion is very helpful explaining why we are here on earth. Most self-helping books tell the reader to try to find meaning and purpose of your life by looking deep inside yourself. Rick Warren suggests that is the incorrect place to start. He believes you have to start with God, the one who has created everything! The truth is, God created us for himself, and until you comprehend that, life will never make sense.

This book will help you understand the meaning of life and what we are supposed to do with it. It will help explain God’s amazing plan which has been set before you. Once you know the true reason behind life it will make life a lot easier. It will help make life less stressful, help you focus your time and energy, make easier choices, make your life have worth, and the most important goal of all eternal life!

“The Purpose Driven Life”, is the perfect game plan for any Christian living today. Rick Warren will help explain God’s purposes for you, not what the world’s cultures value. In this book there are over 1,200 Bible verses and references, which help explain what God’s definitions of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism really are.

This book is a must read if you still don’t know why we are here on earth! Do yourself a favor and read this book, once you know the true meaning of life it will make it so much more enjoyable!

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