This is the Reality of Christmas...

A friend of mine posted this on MySpace and I just wanted to share it with you all...


Sue said...

Thomas - WOW.

That was fantastic. I had no idea where it was going at first!! That is REALLY good.

I'm off to share that.

Thank you.

ThomasCSlater said...

No problem, yeah Sue, I wasn't sure either, that is why I think I had to share it, was a nice twist!

Lori Laws said...

What a cool video, Thomas! I'm gonna share it too. How are you? I've been so busy, I've been neglecting my blogger friends. Big mistake. So many great writers and wonderful friends! God bless you, Thomas:)

Lori Laws said...

Very cool video, Thomas. I think I'll share it too. How are you feeling, my friend? You know, I just thought of this now... I started a social network called "Christians with Disabilities" and I'm pretty sure you would fit in well. Even though you're not really disabled, just your health history and things you overcame would be a great encouragement to others.

The site is not only for people with disabilities, but for those who care for/care about them. I don't know why I didn't think about you before. The Network is at

Love to see you there. No pressure. If you're interested...

Blessings, Thomas!

Unknown said...

Hey Lori, I am feeling good! No, Lori, I am disabled, just don't like to admit it all the time, but yeah, I'll will have to check your social network out soon!

Thanks for the invite, I hope all is well with you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Thomas. I pray it finds you in good health and good heart.

ThomasCSlater said...

Thank you Jean, I appreciate your prayers! May you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!